Monthly Archives: June 2009

Julie Heffernan on ArtSlant

Our current Julie Heffernan exhibition, “What Holds Up”, got a great review from Greg Stacy on ArtSlant. Read the review here. And, of course, if you have yet to stop by and see the show, let this be your inspiration!

Cordy Ryman @ Carol Jazzar Contemporary Art

Cordy Ryman’s work is included in the show “New Abstraction” at Carol Jazzar Contemporary Art in Miami, FL. The show ends this Sunday the 7th, so if you are in the area, stop by before it’s too late!

For more information on the show visit the gallery website.

Kim Dorland blog mention.

There was also a nice mention of Kim Dorland on Molly Steven’s blog Art on My Mind. You can read the post here.

Kim Dorland interview with Beautiful/Decay

Sasha Lee from Beautiful/Decay magazine conducted an in-depth and informative interview with Kim Dorland. To learn more about Kim, his work and his process, click here.

Palette to Palate at Laguna Art Museum

On Saturday May 30th both Allison Schulnik and Nobuhito Nishigawara participated in the Palette to Palate event held each year at the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach. See below for images of Allison’s table and a sample of the revelry that ensued.

Jason Salavon blog mention.

Jason Salavon got a great mention on the blog Wehr in the World. You can read the post here.

Kim Dorland on Gallery Crawl

The blog Gallery Crawl has a well written and thoughtful review of Kim Dorland’s show at Freight + Volume in New York. You can see the post here.

Cindy Wright at Madison MoCA

Cindy Wright’s work will be featured in the exhibition, “Curators’ Choice: New Works from MMoCA’s Collection”, at Madison MoCA, which runs from June 6th until November 8th, 2009. Cindy’s work, “Young Woman in London”, will also be discussed by Jane Simon, the curator of exhibitions, during the Curators’ Conversation. The conversation takes place this Friday the 5th at 6.30pm.

For more information regarding the exhibition and event, please visit MMoCA’s website

Todd Hebert on Beautiful/Decay

Beautiful/Decay have a great feature on Todd Hebert. A lot of the work shown in this post will be in Todd’s solo show at the gallery, City and Country, which opens on July 11th.


Julie Heffernan blog mentions

Here are some blog mentions of Julie’s show. We’re getting a lot of people in the gallery through word of mouth, so thank you all for spreading that word and please keep it up!

Kloe Among the Turks
